Scheduled Scans

We’re getting ready for a morning of scans. Yay for being half-way through chemo.

Yay for good doctors!

We are SO thankful for the doctor who checked out Joanna’s tumor. He did the initial biopsy, the tumor removal, and the surgery to handle the complications after the removal, and is sticking with her to follow-up on how it’s all healing. Yesterday we were concerned about one of the small titanium clips inside her… Continue reading Yay for good doctors!

You’d think we’d learn

Starting our 10th week of chemotherapy, you’d think we would have figured out to keep the Zofran flowing. But… Well, I will admit that Morgan has learned – he suggested Zofran yesterday and today. Both days our girl politely declined, and then ended up needing both the “barf bag” and the Zofran. There are so… Continue reading You’d think we’d learn

A distinct sound

This morning after catching up and snuggling in our room, Joanna headed out to the bathroom. As she was just outside our door I heard “the sound”. This sound became quite familiar 8 weeks ago. We were in the hospital and it was a few hours after the chemo infusion. Prior to that she had… Continue reading A distinct sound

Categorized as Updates

Blood Drive

Lots of good can come from the Blood Drive on August 1st!

Categorized as Helping