A bit from scan day

Just a few pictures and details of our 32 month post-treatment scans

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One Year

A rambling collection of thoughts as we’ve hit the one year post-treatment point.

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Six month scans

For this first year after treatment scans are scheduled every 3 months. We just finished the 2nd set of those.

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Frustrated girl

An unfortunate reminder of the lingering effects of cancer popped up on the playground.

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A too-long post about how mom is feeling about upcoming scans

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It’s been a month

A month ago today we celebrated Joanna’s NED status with her bell ringing at the Jimmy Everest Center for Cancer and Blood Diseases in Children. Yay for celebrations! So, I thought I’d take a moment to give a bit of an update about how things are going. This means we’re one month closer to that… Continue reading It’s been a month

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Four More Weeks

There are just 4 more weeks left in the 24 week plan to treat Joanna’s cancer! Now, 24 weeks isn’t the whole plan, there were lots of appointments and 5 surgeries before that countdown started. And, once it’s done there will scans each three months for awhile, and then more scans, just spread out a… Continue reading Four More Weeks

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Beginning Week 19

We’re making progress through the treatment plan!

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