A bit from scan day

Just a few pictures and details of our 32 month post-treatment scans

Categorized as Updates

Tears in my ears

It’s 4:30am. It’s about 27 hours before we’re scheduled to head to the Jimmy Everest Center for Childhood Cancer at Oklahoma Children’s hospital. 2 hours before my shift in the camp kitchen begins. I am laying in a bed at camp. If you’ve been to camp you may know that means I’m exhausted and the… Continue reading Tears in my ears

Categorized as Hard

3 years ago

3 years ago was day 1 of chemo for our girl.

Categorized as Hard


Saturday morning snack tasting like medicine. Some memories take a lot longer to fade.

Categorized as Hard

the “paperwork”

oh, the drama of the admin side of getting through cancer treatment. Today it hit hard.

Girl Scout Cookies 2023

There were quite a few things that Joanna had to pause during her cancer treatment. To give her the best shot at staying as healthy as possible, we were pretty isolated for the year that her immune system was compromised (or wiped out) by the treatment. However, one thing she was able to keep doing… Continue reading Girl Scout Cookies 2023

Categorized as fun, Helping


This one is pretty cool! My dad’s family decided to start a new tradition at Christmastime. Instead of a traditional gift exchange with each other, they brought wrapped presents and had an auction amongst themselves. Since he’s the oldest, he was the first to select the recipient. So, he called us! We’ve been thankful for… Continue reading $1,000

Categorized as fun, Helping