“All done”

It’s 3:50pm and we just got home. We left at 8:30 this morning.

First stop, Stephenson Cancer Center to meet with the radiation oncologist. This was the consult to learn about radiation and why it needs to be part of treating Joanna’s cancer, as well as what to expect from it.

Though I wouldn’t wish pediatric radiation oncologist appointments on anyone, if it’s gotta be done, I’d recommend this place. Our doctor did a great job explaining things and patiently answering questions and addressing our concerns.

Next we went a little bit down the street and around the corner for yet another covid test. The pre-admission covid test has been awful for our girl. The staff working in there is kind, but it’s accurate to say that Joanna hates this part. (Sidenote – her having to do this makes her really wish people would do everything they can to help stop the spread of covid)

Then, we drove around to the front of the Children’s Hospital to go up for her weekly lab work and pre-admit appointment with her oncologist.

Getting vitals and lab work went pretty smoothly. We even got to watch some Olympics as we waited between the blood draw and exam time.

Next was her appointment with her oncologist. These appointments are every 3 weeks, at the beginning of the next cycle. The doctor checks over her blood work, we talk about any other health things that have come up and talk about what’s next on her treatment plan.

After meeting with the doctor, 3 more people stopped by! One was to see if we’re interested in being part of a study about patient experiences. It involves completing surveys, so we said yes – yay for research! And, one of the others was to fill out paperwork for a study that we’d intended to fill out for over 10 weeks! It’s called Project Every Child and is a big research project about child cancer. We discussed it all at the beginning but just connected to get papers signed today.

So, it was a full, exhausting, emotional day. I am reminded of a time when Joanna was a toddler and we were flying somewhere. In the airport, during our layover, she declared “I quit this airport! I all done!” Well, that’s how I’m feeling today, wanting to be all done. Tears are flowing, my tummy is churning and I just wish I could wish it all away. But, just like that trip that required not quitting the airport, going through cancer with our girl requires continuing on, too.

Not long after we got home, we were blessed with the delivery of a delicious dinner. And, the yard had been mowed while we were gone!

I don’t think it’s possible to overstate how helpful the meals our church family and friends have brought have been, or how helpful the yard work has been. What a relief to not have to think about those things while we’re thinking about so many others huge things.

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